The problem with not opposing Brexit #BrexitShambles #Ukip #SingleMarket #Immigration - Like This Article

Time and time again we are told that we should stop moaning, get over it, and accept the result of the EU Referendum and waive away all those rights we have as EU citizens. We are told that the result of the referendum was the 'will of the people' and that 'democracy has spoken' and we are consistently attacked as being traitorous for standing up for what we believe in.

The problem with this is that we feel, as do many others, that we were bullied into a referendum by UKIP and their rowdy mob of rag tag fascists who insisted that if the referendum result had been 52%/48% against them, that it would be 'unfinished business'.

Certainly, whatever the people had voted you can be sure that Kippers & Eurosceptics (egged on and supported by the likes of extreme far right parties like the EDL & Britain First) would never have stopped moaning, and it seems that whatever had happened there would have been a rowdy resistance. They were threatening the same before.

Then of course there are the problems associated with the 2016 referendum and the behaviour of those on the far-right. The hate of foreigners and refugees in an era of post-truth news, and where social media campaigns are funded by rich donors and supported by right-wings newspapers such as the Daily Mail and Daily Express and the Sun whose owners don't even live in the UK, yet feel they have a right to commentate and sow seeds of discontent. UKIP did very well from the money that was ploughed into the campaign by the Daily Express owner and the likes of Arron Banks who all have vested interests in leaving the EU, and who care little about the economic and social impact as they will do just fine thank you very much.

What strikes us as particularly ironic and hypocritical is that a party whose sole aim was/is to be anti-EU is the very same party that been creaming off funds to pay for their staff and using it for electioneering purposes in the UK. In doing do they defrauding the system as well as the British tax-payer for their own gain and wages and expenses, and all the time influencing hearts and minds with their racist and xenophobic agenda to further their own machine of hate. The level of influence UKIP and the far right have had in the UK thanks to heavily funded social media campaigns has been far-reaching, and they have behaved appallingly as a party along the way, turning people against each other and trying to take us out of that very EU that funded them so well.

I hear many people, both on the remain and leave sides, saying we should respect the result of the referendum, when UKIP, Farage and co quite obviously would not have done. Those who attack us seem content to let UKIP do what they have done and take us out of the EU but also seem willing to ignore their behaviour and impact on the UK in not only bringing about this referendum, but also by using EU funds to try and demonise the EU and turn the British people against it, and then threaten and hold the country to ransom with threats of disorder and riots should they not get their way. They know exactly what they are doing, and it stinks to hell.

It's the scandal of the century. The way in which UKIP have got away with murder, almost, and left us in a state of turmoil and disarray, whilst they still cream off the funds that keeps them in pocket. Oh, and don't forget about their EU pensions which will keep many of those MEPs comfortable for years to come, while the people suffer the effects of their work.

The way UKIP have behaved in recent years is utterly shameful, the way they have turned the debate into a negative one taking the country back in time to a place many of us felt we'd left behind with the fascists of the past.

We will not give up so easily, and we will fight for our rights as EU citizens as those rights protect us from corruption in Governments of our own country and also guarantee us many hard-earned rights and benefits we will all lose as a country and people if we continue on this path to Brexit destruction.

"Again & again 1 side bows to the rules & to what’s fair-while the other focuses on the ruthless exercise of power”

How much longer are we going to stand by and watch while we let UKIP/The Tories and now Labour try and drag us out of the EU? What else can we do if we continue to play by the rules, and let UKIP get away with this? Surely, if UKIP have got issues with immigration, then why does the Government not do something about it, but destroying our relationship with the EU and taking us out of the single market? That is not the answer. After all, the majority of leave voters wanted to retain single market membership, They did not vote for a hard Brexit.

from Exposing Ukip News

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