Limonov: Matriarchy, ISIS, and "Filthy Rich" Trump's Revolution - Like This Article

January 24, 2017 - Fort Russ - 
Eduard Limonov, SV Pressa - translated by J. Arnoldski -

Eduard Limonov is among the most controversial and revered figures in modern Russia. Widely known for his founding and leadership of the National Bolshevik Party, Limonov is both famous and infamous as a former Soviet dissident-turned-emigre to New York, prolific novelist, and radical political activist. His semi-poetic columns, such as the one below, are featured regularly by Svobodnaya Pressa, a leading Russian analytical journal.

Everyone was more busy with Clinton than Trump, so that SHE wouldn’t win. 

This utterly false woman was ready to become the president of the United States. This was evident in her greasy smile, her past, and her connections. “We’ve all but had enough of this!”, everyone thought across America and the whole planet.

In a sense, voting against Clinton was an anti-woman choice. All the tales of how women are not bloodthirsty were successfully dispelled by Madame Thatcher, who starved two million English miners and effortlessly rushed into a war over rocky islands off the coast of Argentina. 

“No thanks,” they said in the US, and didn’t elect Clinton. Only her shoe was left on the sidewalk, remember [1]? And her emaciated husband Bill didn’t take his eyes off of Trump’s daughter the whole inauguration. 

He’s probably laying beaten up by his wife now. 

Wonderful! Many breathed a sigh of relief!

But now women’s souls are left with bitterness.

This bitterness was just expressed at the march against Trump by the muscular Madonna. A fifty- or sixty-years-old aunt in girls hat with horns. She agreed to the fact that she wants to “blow up the White House.”

I don’t believe that she is sincere. She comes from the tradition that female stars can do anything. But here comes Republican Congressman Newt Gingrich, and he calls for Madonna to be punished for such a statement: “She is parallel to the young fascists who ran around town breaking windows, all of whom should be given the maximum sentence.” 

Madonna is an old fascist, not a young one.

Feminine fascism has existed for fifty years already and is very widespread in America. Its nest is there. It started with the Hollywood beauties and spineless men, and now it is finishing with aggressive lesbians and the Madonna phenomenon. They even dragged old Angela Davis out to the rally against Trump. I remember her as a young communist.

Women have turned out to be the segment of the population most dissatisfied segment with Trump. It’s as if a womanizer, a lady’s admirer, and an organizer of beauty pageants has become president, but they’re not dancing on the square out of joy, but have come out onto the square with anger.

This is because they’ve realized that there will be no more of all these ingratiations to the ladies, there will no longer be even equality of the sexes favorable to American women. The world will become manly. It is forced to become manly. 

A new element is pushing the inhabitants of our planet towards a manly world, and this is none other than the hellish inferno of the Caliphate where a woman is stranded and subordinated to men. Goodbye busty goddesses, drunken Marilyn Monroe and Madonna; the serious world of suicide bombers and severed heads demands that Europeans and Americans become macho. And they will, or they will perish under radical Islamist sabers.

There will be no more ladies' flatterers, and Trump is the same puppet of History as we all are. 

The ladies have understood correctly: the matriarchy has ended. With Trump has come the patriarchate. The screws are being tightened on women. This will start in America and go all the way to Australia, because there in Australia ladies, women, and females have also taken alarm and come out to protest.

So who is Mr. Trump?

We already know that he is bringing death to the matriarchy, the modern form of matriarchy. 

He’s appointed two ministers - of defense and internal affairs - and both are marine corps generals. Hu-ah! - these kinds of shouts are appropriate here. Please note that these are generals from Obama’s time as well. 

Trump doesn’t have his own party. He figures among the Republicans, but he is not the leader of the Republicans. So he had to drag out the moss-covered generals - yes, Obama’s. There is nothing good in this, because there is nothing new in this. Everything is old. But he promised something new.

He introduced himself as and led the election campaign as a man opposing himself to the establishment. But he’s taken on ministers from the establishment. And there is no “The Other America” party [2]. None.

The anti-establishment president is thus compelled to form a government out of heroes of the establishment. This is fraught, you will agree!

It looks like there will be a wall. I have in mind the wall with Mexico.

There will be no Pacific Partnership. Analysts explain that it was easy for Trump to cancel the Pacific Partnership agreement because it hasn’t been ratified by Congress yet. But what about transatlantic partnership - how will he deal with that? 

He’s started dismantling Obamacare. Piece by piece for now. But will they disassemble it entirely? No one knows. 

Trump is now showing that he is sticking to his pre-election promises. He needs to show this. Will he stick to them all? I think he won’t keep all of them.

But after all, another piece is visible here. He offered voters a program of revolutionary changes for America for the benefit of ordinary people. I’ll underline “ordinary.” In Ancient Rome, they were called “plebs,” plebeians, without negative contempt. But he is simply a billionaire. He is, as the American idiom says, “filthy rich.”

He lives in a mansion on three floors of Trump Tower. Inside, all of these rooms converge similarly as in big Orthodox churches. Gold and red. The gold shines in your eyes.

But he still proposed a revolutionary program. Sooner or later, and sooner rather than later, the discrepancy between his filthy richness, all the gold, couches, and curved furniture on the one hand, and the revolutionary program on the other, will irritate the American rednecks, the American sans-culottes, the plebs. They won’t have enough of Trump. They’ll want an ascetic president. They’ll want exactly this. And they’ll have to get rid of his Melania and boy.

Or here’s what's interesting: his unwillingness to disclose his tax returns. Either he has too much money, or he lost a lot of money and now lives in debt. He is afraid, for one of these reasons, to make his tax files public. If he isn’t afraid, then why is he so stubbornly refusing to disclose them? According to American laws, he can choose not to disclose them. But he’s taken to pandering to the people. So pander: show what you have behind your soul!?

In short, the question is this; here is the thought: Does filthy rich Trump have enough to fulfill his campaign promises to the American sans-culottes, the vatniks [3], the plebs, the rednecks, for long? 


[1] A reference to the scandalous moment when Hillary Clinton passed out while leaving the 2016 9/11 memorial early. 

[2] Limonov's political party is called "The Other Russia" 

[3] "Vatnik", is a derogatory term used by Ukrainians to deride the largely working-class population of Donbass for their.  

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