Incredible idiocy: BBC moron John Sweeney VS unread Dutch [Video] - Like This Article

February 26th, 2017 - Fort Russ News -

This interview aired on BBC on 19 February 2017.

Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders could have read up a little more on the issue of MH17, going against the grain of Zio-infiltrated Dutch media. Wilders, of all people, should be well familiar with mainstream media misrepresentation of reality.

The BBC "journalist" John Sweeney, on the other hand, takes the cake, asserting, based on a lack of analytical capability, that North Korea, Putin's Russia and Islamic terrorism are all on par in terms of threat to Europe. 

Furthermore, in a sweeping example of a strawman argument/logical fallacy - Sweeney suggests Wilders is incorrect about the issues surrounding extremist Islam, because "Putin" brought down the aircraft with Dutch nationals on board. If this is logic, then I must be Socrates. 

At the end, watch Putin school BBC journalist on a different matter... these people actually get paid to be wrong. Wow!

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Incredible idiocy: BBC moron John Sweeney VS unread Dutch [Video] - Like This Article

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