Russia blows a fuse - UN, NBC, Sean Spicer get told [Video] - Like This Article

April 17th, 2017 - Fort Russ News -

The events of the past few weeks have sparked considerable differences of opinion between Russia and its Western counterparts. Following the, likely staged, chemical gas attack in Syria – the US launched an airstrike against the sovereign state of Syria. 

This is illegal based on basic principles of international law. The event was followed by a Western-initiated Resolution being taken to the Security Council, designed to address the ‘use of chemical weapons in Syria’, and the removal of Assad from government. The document was written based on suppositions, given there was no subsequent investigation or fact finding mission to Syria. Russia, which has veto power at the UN, has blocked its passing. Many delegates at the UN side with Russia, such as Steffan de Mistura, but fail to be heard because of baseless accusations and finger-pointing on behalf of a number of Western counterparts. 

Russia is rarely angered – but enough is enough. “Look me in the eyes” – says the Russian UN representative to his UK colleague. Not only was Mr. Rycroft’s address off topic to the agenda of the day but it was insulting to those countries who contribute the most effort toward ending Syria’s civil war. 

Why should the UK be granted the role of a 'guarantor' of Syria's peace talks, being held in Astana, given they protect and shelter terrorists in anticipation of regime-change?

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Russia blows a fuse - UN, NBC, Sean Spicer get told [Video] - Like This Article

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