Vatan's Congress of Victors and Russia-Turkey Rapprochement - Like This Article

April 1, 2017 - Fort Russ - 
Valery Korovin, Live Journal - translated by J. Arnoldski - 

The Kemalist Vatan Party has triumphantly held a congress in Ankara in which the author of these lines not only participated but was able to speak from the rostrum to thunderous applause and unanimous and rather energetic support from the hundreds gathered. 

The Kemalists like Russia and support the new Eurasian course that assumed radical changes after the unsuccessful American coup attempt organized by supporters of Fethullah Gulen. Being in the epicenter of one of the main political events in Turkey and in the depth of the thousands-strong congress of one of the oldest and most influential Turkish parties, you understand just how different the Turkish and Russian political systems are. And you also recognize just how complimentary and mutually reinforcing they are.

The Vatan Party congress was a mass of thousands of soulful supporters of the ideas of Kemal Ataturk, who were unrestrained in expressing their views and goals and filled the largest sports complex in Ankara with chanting “We are Kemal’s soldiers, ready to give our lives for the party and ideas of the Ataturk!” Unanimity and sincerity in being driven, unity and authenticity, and self-sacrifice and the supremacy of ideas - these are the political manifestations of Kemalism. 

Not too long ago, during the armed coup attempt organized by Gulen’s supporters, all of these people - in a multiplied number - went out onto the streets of Turkish cities literally without weapons, on the basis of ideological enthusiasm and political persistence, to shield their country from American intervention and the treacherous attempt to establish American control over Turkey.

Russia or...a coup? 

The timing of the armed coup was not chosen accidentally. Turkish President Recep Erdogan, having apologized for the incident with the downed Russian plane, began rapidly restoring damaged relations with Russia, thereby immediately falling into the disfavor of the liberal-globalist swamp in Washington and inside Turkey itself. Fethullah Gulen’s Islamist-liberal networks established over the years, the so-called “parallel state”, upon receiving Washington’s go-ahead, launched an armed coup in the most treacherous, impudent, and unceremonious scenario of opposing rapprochement with Russia.

And then everything fell into place - the enemies and friends of a genuine, people’s, sovereign Turkey took their corresponding sides in this historic battle. Gulen’s liberals, Islamists, and Washington-lured pseudo-nationalists on the one side and Kemalists, Eurasianists, and patriots for a sovereign Turkey on the other side. Having tried to flirt with both of them on and off over the years, Recep Erdogan was forced to make an historic choice, and he made it: to be with the people, with those going out onto the streets to oppose the coup, together with the Kemalists, and on the side of Eurasian Russia - against Washington and its puppets, against the Islamists and Gulenist conspiratorial networks.

The Turkish coup of July 15th-16th, 2016 was a moment of truth for Turkey’s political class and all of Turkish society. On the one side there were the Kemalists on the streets, Russia’s diplomacy, the Russian representative Alexander Dugin who was in Ankara on all the critical days and held endless meetings and negotiations, issuing official statements and highlighting the key points in this complex and altogether unclear situation, and there was the information of Russian special forces delivered through a representative to Erdogan about his impending arrest, and the unity of Russia and Turkey in the Eurasian choice. On the other hand there was the army structure packed from head to toe with Gulen’s agents, Islamists, and Liberals - the consistent and most faithful allies of the liberal-democratic part of the American elite in all states, faithfully serving globalism, and part of the scientific community and political class on the side of the outgoing liberal swamp Obama-Clinton Administration. 

Kemalists and Eurasianists vs. Atlanticists

Such a political disposition left no room for ambiguity. The Kemalists and the Eurasianists thwarted the American putsch. The undisputed, 75-year-old leader of the Vatan Party, Dogu Perincek, emotionally spoke about this in his speech at the party congress for an hour and a half that shook the hall and left his supporters from time to time breaking into ovation and chanting, which emphasized the consensus and authenticity in the pursuit of the Kemalist idea.

“The Atlanticist system has imposed upon Turkey a debt economy and led to loss of sovereignty. Our program is Eurasianism and striving to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Our main partners are Russia and China. We will create a national government and establish peace in relations with our neighbors - with Syria, Iraq, Iran, and the rest. We are naturally a Eurasian country. Without Eurasia, our ship won’t sail,” Perincek proclaimed from the rostrum only to be drowned out by party members applauding him with chants of “The Vatan Party is a patriots' fortress” and then “The vanguard to the party and the party to power!”

Indeed, the Vatan Party unites in its ranks the most influential Kemalists in the country, former high-ranking officials and security officers such as Admiral Soner Polat, who opened the congress and refused American ships entry into the Black Sea during the crisis days in South Ossetia in 2008, something for which he was subsequently imprisoned. The former head of counter-intelligence, the former head of military intelligence, and other retired security officials and generals are involved, but Turkish law prevents actively serving government officials from engaging in politics. Many of them have been in prison for especially serious terms, such as the sentences that the leaders of the Vatan Party (formerly called the Workers Party of Turkey) received as part of the so-called Ergenekon case. Dozens of security officials and party functionaries received huge prison sentences from 10 to 110 years, as was the case for party leader Dogu Perincek.

Today in those cells, where active Kemalists, Eurasianists, and supporters of Turkey’s rapprochement with Russia were supposed to spend their lives, are now sitting their enemies - Gulen’s supporters and the American spies who abundantly filled the ranks of power structures and the current ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). However, the current position of the party's founder, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, gives hope that a national government of popular confidence will still be established in Turkey that will unite all of Turkey’s patriots regardless of party affiliation. The only taboo for entering the national government is sympathy for America, Islamism, Liberalism, and the democratic swamp - all of which nearly killed independent Turkey. 

“We are ready to create a national government which will unite the people. The AKP is no longer capable of governing alone. The time of those who ruled Turkey under outside influence as ended. Representatives of all Turkish parties have rushed to the Vatan Party, and this is a good start for creating a national government. We are ready to cooperate with all national forces, including the ruling party,” Dogu Perincek said from the rostrum. Today the Kemalists and Erdogan can and should be together for the sake of national unity and saving Turkey from the enemy. 

Just like Putin? 

Of course, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who survived such formidable distress on the days of the putsch, would like nothing of the sort to ever happen again. Hence the move to finally purge the Turkish political space of the Gulenist sects corroding it, aggressive and sectarian Islamism, and at the same time opponents and opposition. And here Erdogan is, of course, inspired by the system built by his former counterpart and today partner, Vladimir Putin, with whom he met again during the days of the Vatan Party congress. 

But Putin has a different political reality. Russia’s citizens are not so politicized, not so keen on ideas, and not so devoted to this or that ideological concept. Russia is disciplined and ready to line up for a great project, looking towards a leader and recognizing his absolute authority and indisputable claim to power - as long as he leads Russia to sovereignty and future greatness. This is not the case in Turkey, where the people genuinely and most directly participates in its fate, itself sets the parameters and basic contours of the development of its state, and the government’s legitimacy is often confirmed on the streets.

For Turkey, the idea is decisive in choosing political positions, whereas in Russia everyone looks to authority. Turks are emotional, quick-tempered, but easily appeased. Russians are moody, fundamental, and do not easily forget offenses. Turkey is a real environment for a multi-party system, whereas there is no place for parties in Russia. In Turkey parties are created from below on the basis of ideas, whereas in our country they are established from above as a continuation of vertical, authoritarian power. In this regard, Erdogan is unlikely to succeed in “doing like Putin.” We have a different political culture and are very different from one another on an emotional level. 

But the goal today for both Russia and Turkey is liberation from American tutelage, sovereignty, and the Eurasian choice.

Being Historically Right and the Congress of Victors

Sure, for many years Turkey sought to join the European Union and was a member of NATO. But Western liberal occupation also struck Russia. Just like Turkey, we were under external control. And all these years, Turkey’s Kemalists and Russia’s Eurasianists asserted the inevitability of liberation from Atlanticist shackles and resolving to take the path of sovereignty and mutual rapprochement - everything which the West’s agents feared and did not want to allow….Hence why Eurasianists and Kemalists stood shoulder to shoulder at the critical moment of an historic choice. Hence why Dugin was in Ankara during the days of the coup and was supporting Erdogan, as even Bloomberg has noted. 

Perincek is proclaiming speedy ejection from NATO and a Eurasian choice for Turkey from a high podium, and undoubtedly supports Putin and rapprochement with Russia. Everything that has been done over these years confirms that the Eurasianists and Kemalists are historically right, and the Vatan Party congress - held not in prison cells or basements, but in Ankara’s main public venue - was a congress of victors.

Turkey is no longer under the authority of America - where, with Trump’s victory, supporters of the liberal swamp have been defeated - and is on the march towards a Eurasian strategy and rapprochement with Russia.

“We’ve changed Turkey’s orientation while not even in government, and once in government we will do much more,” Dogu Perincek says. The same is true for Eurasianists in Russia. In the end, we are for a multipolar world, and today no one can stop us on the way to achieving this. Eurasianism has already become the dominant paradigm in Russia, and already today it determines the government’s discourse and is consolidating Russian society. But tomorrow the same will become a reality in Turkey. Tomorrow belongs to us - Russia and Turkey. We will be together, and this is already irreversible. 

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