August 15 , 2017 - Fort Russ News -
Rusvesna - translated by Inessa Sinchougova
The Russian bank "Tempbank" has been disconnected from the international system for the exchange of financial data SWIFT.
Recall that "Tempbank", like the entire top management of the bank, is under US sanctions because of the provision of trade operations between Russia - Syria, Russia - Iran. Moreover, last year a human rights agency under the aegis of the CIA threatened the management of the bank with the imposition of personal sanctions because of cooperation with both Iranian and Syrian companies.
US special services are trying to undermine economic relations between Russia, Syria and Iran, in order to complicate the political process and relations between countries.
In fact, under a certain pressure, any Russian bank can be disconnected from SWIFT without unnecessary conversations and proceedings.
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CIA attmpts to thwart the economic cooperation of Russia, Iran and Syria - Like This Article
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