August 5 , 2017 - Fort Russ News -
Footage outtake is from "I, Putin: a Portrait" a 2012 documentary by Hubert Seipel - this part of the film describes Putin's gradual rise with the Soviet and then Russian political system. He describes the confusing time that was the collapse of the USSR, and the ethically incorrect position of being friends with the 'democrat-revolutionary' Yeltsin, as well as being part of the KGB that supported the 1993 Putsch - an agency that was charged with protecting the state as it was.
Having quit his role in the KGB, Putin gained employment at a University, but fate saw him reeled back in to the world of politics; he went on to be the vice- Mayor of St. Petersburg, then the head of the FSB and Prime Minister. The legacy of President Yeltsin's uneventful career, was perhaps the favouritism of Putin to the candidacy of the President of Russia. Seipel's documentary features some rare black and white footage from the early years, as well as advice we could all use - "In a difficult situation, don't reveal all your cards."
Skip ahead to 1:17 for the video to begin.
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Don't reveal all your cards at once - Putin [Video] - Like This Article
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