The genteel face on the Obama administration, translated: talk nice, get away with murder - Like This Article

August 18, 2017 - Fort Russ News -
- an op-ed by Tom Winter
Obama telling Fareed Zakaria "We brokered a deal"

The Obama administration said it so nice! No outrageous tweets. Here is a brief selection of civilized public utterances by Obama or by his heads of the State Department.

Item: “We’ve got to have the strongest military in the world and we occasionally have to twist the arms of countries that wouldn’t do what we need them to do.” Translate: We will be the bully of the whole world.

Item: “We brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine” Translate: We overthrew the elected government in Ukraine and put our own guys in charge. (And they happen to be neo-nazis who make heroes out of Nazi collaborators)

Item: “ I asked Chris to be our envoy to the rebel opposition. He arrived on a cargo ship in the port of Benghazi and began building our relationships with Libya’s revolutionaries. He risked his life to stop a tyrant, then gave his life trying to help build a better Libya” Translate: we helped overthrow Gaddhafi and turn Libya into the hellhole it is today.

Item: “We strategized on a plan to restore order in Honduras” Translate: We overthrew the elected government of Honduras and christened the military as its rulers.

Item: “The transition to Democracy in Syria has begun.” Translate: Our paid proxies are attacking the country.

Item: “In effect, they were restoring democracy” translate: The Egyptian army drove out the elected president.

Item: We don't behave like Russians. It's just a different standard.” Translate: Russia was invited into Syria. We just marched in.

Item: "You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests” Translate: You don’t; we do.

I conclude there is one good thing about this 45 administration: there is no longer a genteel face.

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The genteel face on the Obama administration, translated: talk nice, get away with murder - Like This Article

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