"The Great Substitution" or Europe's demographic suicide - Like This Article

August 24 , 2017 - Fort Russ News - 
KtovKurse - translated by Inessa Sinchougova

Despite overall cultural tolerance and the desire for multiculturalism of some groups, European factions express concern about the "Islamization" of the region.

Not so long ago, the Archbishop of Stasburg, appointed by Pope Francis in February this year, said:

"Today, Muslims are well aware that their fertility is so high that they can call it the Great Substitution. They very calmly say that someday all this will be theirs."

Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban was another one of tho leaders who expressed concern about the "Islamization" of Europe.

Representatives of national parties also said more than once that the Muslim population in Europe is growing, while the number of indigenous Europeans is declining.

And last week in Barcelona, ​​there was another terrorist attack.

Meanwhile in Japan - schools are being transformed into hospices, where they take care of the elderly. This is due to the fact that the number of children in the country has dropped to less than 10% of the population. 40% of the population in this country is over 65 years old.

This is Japan, one of the oldest nations in the world and one of the "cleanest" nations. (in terms of nation-states)

According to a study by the Japanese National Institute of Population and Social Security, by 2040, there will be a sharp decline in the population in the smaller cities of the country - by one-third or even half.

Due to the population decline, many regional councils in Japan can no longer work and are closed. The number of restaurants decreased from 850 thousand in 1990 to 350 thousand today.

According to some forecasts, in 15 years, Japan will have 20 million liveable but empty dwellings.

Experts ask the question: is the same future waiting for Europe?

Among experts in the field of demography there is a tendency to call Europe "the new Japan". However, Japan is trying to solve this problem through its own efforts and at the expense of its own resources - the immigration of Muslims to the country is prohibited.

Europe is committing demographic suicide, systematically destroying its own population, experts say. And European Muslims fill the vacuum that has formed. They assume that the day will come when all of Europe will belong to them.

According to the report of the Centro Machiavelli research institute, if the current trend continues, by 2065 the number of immigrants of the first and second waves will exceed 22 million people, or more than 40% of Italy's population.

In Germany, the situation is also worrying: according to demography reports, 36% of children under the age of 5 are born by immigrant parents.

In 13 of the 28 EU countries last year, the death rate exceeded the birth rate.

Without immigrants, the population of Germany and Italy will decrease by 18% and 16% respectively.

The impact of the demographic processes taking place in Europe is especially noticeable in countries called the "new Europe" - in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia, as opposed to "old Europe" - France and Germany.

It is the Eastern European countries that are currently the most vulnerable to the "depopulation bomb" - a catastrophic decline in the birth rate, which many experts call the most important issue of our time for Europe.

Experts wonder why, despite the decline in the population, Eastern Europe resists the reception of immigrants. But it is for this reason that they are afraid that migrants will completely replace the indigenous population.

In addition, some European countries have already been under the rule of Muslims during the Ottoman Empire. And they do not want a repeat of history.

"There are two views in Europe today," said Victor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, speaking of the demographic situation in the region - "One of them is held by those who want to solve the demographic problems of Europe through immigration. But there is another view held by the countries of Central Europe, including Hungary. We believe that we have to solve demographic problems, relying only on our own resources, through their mobilization and, we should admit, through spiritual renewal. "

Orban warns of a possible "Islamization" of Europe. According to him, the issue of the coming decades is whether Europe will continue to belong to Europeans.

Africa also exerts its influence on the demographic situation in Europe.

As the Dutch politician Gert Wilders said, "over the next 30 years, the number of Africans will grow by more than 1 billion. This is twice the population of the entire EU. Demographic pressure will be enormous. A third of Africans will want to move abroad, many of them - to Europe."

Last year over 180 thousand people crossed the border from Libya. And this is only the beginning. At the moment about 3 million people are waiting for the opportunity to go to Europe, " he explained.

Demography has become a big problem for the security of Europe. Less and less people can serve in the armies of European countries and the police.

According to the UN, last year in Eastern Europe there were about 292 million people, which is 18 million less than in the early 1990s. This is equivalent to the disappearance of a whole country the size of the Netherlands.

The Financial Times called this problem in Eastern Europe "the largest loss of population in modern history."

That's why experts believe that Orban's words are correct. Only by using its own resources, Europe will be able to avoid having the archbishop's prediction of the "Great Substitution" come true.

Catastrophe in figures

According to the research, by 2050 Romania will lose 22% of its population. It is followed by Moldova (20%), Latvia (19%), Lithuania (17%), Croatia (16%) and Hungary (16%).

Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine will be the countries with the largest population decline.

The population of Poland is projected to decline by 2050 to 32 million compared with 38 million today.

In Central Europe, the population aged over 65 years has grown by more than a third between 1990 and 2010.

The population of Hungary is at a minimum level of the last 50 years. The population of this country has decreased from 10, 709, 000 in 1980 to 9, 986, 000 today. According to forecasts in 2050,Hungary will have less than 8 million people. One in three will be over 65 years old.

Today, the birth rate in Hungary is 1.5 children per 1 woman.
If you exclude the Roma population, this number will drop to 0.8 - the lowest level in the world. That is why Prime Minister Orban announced the introduction of new measures aimed at solving the demographic crisis.

Bulgaria will witness the most rapid decline in population in the period from 2015 to 2050 according to forecasts. Bulgaria is among the countries whose population will decline by more than 15% until 2050. 

This group also includes countries Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine.

Currently, the population of Bulgaria is about 7.15 million people. According to estimates for the next 30 years, it will decrease to 5.15 million, or by 27.9%.

According to official data, 178,000 children were born in Romania last year. For comparison, in 1990, 315,000 children were born.

In Croatia last year, 32 thousand children were born - a decrease of 20% compared to 2015. The depopulation of Croatia will reach over 50 thousand people a year.

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