Moment of Truth: Steinmeier warns of EU collapse, doesn't blame Putin - Like This Article

October 25, 2016 - Fort Russ - 
Ruslan Ostashko, PolitRussia - translated by J. Arnoldski - 

Dear friends, I have news for you. It turns out that the European Union could collapse. “So what,” you ask, “That’s not news.”

Sure, this isn’t news when Russian TV and Russian publicists discuss it. But when the minister of foreign affairs of Germany is speaking about the collapse of the EU, then this inevitably becomes news. 

I wonder how our Ukrainian friends will react to this. They want to join the EU and all of their hopes are pinned on the opportunity to "escape to Europe." But here it turns out that Europe could collapse. The ‘traitor’ is some Frank-Walter Steinmeier. They probably think that this an agent of Putin and that the KGB installed him in the post of a German minister. 

But this is still nothing. Some evil tongues prophesy that Steinmeier will become the next German leader, and then the ‘betrayal’ will be final and irreversible. 

Here is what Foreign Minister Steinmeier stated in an interview to Suddetusche Zeitung

“Even dyed-in-the-wool backers of Europe can see that we have to convince people again. If we do not appreciate the value of the EU, it will go to the dogs.” 

And now one wants to say “stop!” and ask Herr Steinmeier: “What happened with the great and mighty European Union that was said to be an example of everything good, especially for such countries as Russia? Why is it that the EU suddenly needs to convince its citizens that the EU is good, white, and fluffy? Is it time to blame Putin again?”

No, Putin is not on the list of those guilty this time. According to the German politician, the EU has three serious problems.

The first problem is the financial crisis. Our business media is often delighted to write that the West has successfully overcome the crisis and that now only Russia and China have problems. Here Steinmeier breaks the tradition, because according to him, the crisis is not only not over, but even threatens to break apart the EU!

The second problem is refugees. There is not much to comment on here except that Steinmeier apparently doesn’t believe that millions of migrants from the Middle East can be assimilated easily and quickly.

The third problem is Brexit. Great Britain’s withdrawal from the EU has emboldened anti-European politicians from different countries and shown that yesterday's political outcasts can win in referendums and become today’s fateful decision-makers.

A year ago, the German establishment preferred to laugh at the prospects of the anti-American Alternative for Germany party, but today Steinmeier says in terror that this party could gain a decent percent in regional elections and Merkel’s party could fail miserably.

But here it is necessary to digress a bit. The German minister did not directly say this, but one can conclude based on his words that Putin is not to blame for Europe’s problems, but could take advantage of them. All European politicians against the EU are usually written off as being associated with Putin and Russian support, which means that when Steinmeier complains that populists are ready hear and now to take advantage of Europe’s weakness, everyone understands who he has in mind.

Don’t worry. If the EU falls apart, they’ll blame Putin, as they’ve already gotten used to this habit.

But the logical question arises: what does the head German diplomat propose? What will he and his colleagues propose against those forces and problems threatening to destroy the EU? Get ready. This terrifying German plan can be called a “political blitzkrieg” to save Europe and German from everything bad.

The plan consists of two parts, the first of which has been voiced by Steinmeier when he stated that the German foreign ministry is going to launch a European-wide talking tour to discuss the future of the EU with the public and convince them not to tear down the union.

Already impressed by this sharp and profound Teutonic strategic planning? Here’s the second part, which is so important that Chancellor Merkel herself announced it at the recent party congress. As media have reported, she called on the people, especially the voters and members of Christian parties, to “sing Christian songs at Christmas and play them on the flute.” According to the German chancellor, this will save the country from Islamization and her party from defeat at the hands of the “anti-European populists” from Alternative for Germany.

It must be noted that, compared to this feverish political nonsense, German business shows commendable rationality. As Spiegel journal reported with surprise, “German investments in Russia have reached record levels” and continue to grow despite the sanctions. Apparently, many German politicians have lost touch not only with their voters and, so to speak, become detached fro the people, but have also lost touch with German business.

On the other hand, there are positive aspects. Previously, in a situation of uncertainty, German politicians introduced new sanctions against Russia, but now the German foreign ministry is acting against this. This is obvious progress. 

Unfortunately, we can’t speed it up. We just have to wait until the European elite will finally decide to break up with the US or until this elite will be replaced by politicians and parties such as the National Front in France or Alternative for Germany. We are in no hurry - after all, Russia is not the one collapsing. But Europeans need to hurry, because they can already see the cracks forming in the foundations of the European Union.

And finally, I don’t believe in omens, but it must be noted that every empire that ever included Ukraine suffered a tragic end. Think about it: Poland, the Russian Empire, and the USSR. Perhaps the EU has already been jinxed by Ukraine, which wants to join so badly. In Merkel’s place, in order to protect the EU from collapse, I would burn the association agreement with Ukraine. This will certainly be more effective than playing Christmas songs on a flute. 

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