Russia’s main religion is Christian Orthodoxy – but it is also home to almost 20 million Muslim citizens. In 2015, concerned about the harrowing situation in the Middle East, Putin opened Europe’s largest Mosque in Moscow. Similarly, Europe's largest Islamic education center is also due to open in 2017. Some Russians view this as a threat to Christiandom – however, the opposite is true.
Sometimes, Western or even Christian perceptions of Islam are truly ignorant. The concept of fanaticism on religious grounds was of course facilitated by the West itself. Initially, this was done by the British Empire, to be used against the Ottomans. Since then, Salafi/Wahhabists have continually been pawns in foreign policy objectives. Need to take down a government? Bring in the Toyota-driving fanatics!
In 2015, the flow of migrants into Europe from the ‘Syrian Refugee Crisis’ was orchestrated by the likes of George Soros and his NGOs. Half of them weren’t even of Syrian origin, and not one rich Gulf country took in any refugees at all – and neither did Israel. The entire guilt trip of the ordeal was put onto the shoulders of the European taxpayer.
Soros is a self-professed maniac with “messianic tendencies.” In his book, he wrote that he has always felt a need to re-sew the world, create artificial borders, while destroying the nation-state. This is because without a nation-state, there can be no consensus on national interests. No national interests, means it is easier for the invisible hand to govern how it see fits. Most notably, one goal is to turn us into economic slaves, without a nationality, without an understanding of who we are. The few European governments who are resisting this are immediately branded ‘nationalists’, ‘fascists’ and ‘dictators.’
Russia has always been a multicultural, multi-religious state. Sometimes ethnic tensions flare up – especially if the cauldron is stirred by outside forces. At other times, they unite. But artificial re-population of whole regions, with nationalities that are not native to the area – that is an entirely different concept.
Soros is clinically a sociopath and should be admitted to some kind of ward. Furthermore, there are no laws in Europe that prohibit perversions of Islam from being taught – (Youtube Fahad Qureshi, who runs the extremist out of Norway.)
So, while Wahhabi cults are popping up all over Europe – Putin builds cultural bridges, anticipating the potential clashes of the future. If he is not a visionary in your view, who is?
(PS – Given Turkey’s blatant relationship with ISIS militants, Erdogan looked a little sheepish there in the audience.)
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Putin builds bridges with Islam – Russia a future safe-haven? [Video] - Like This Article
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