Russian Hackers Strike Again! Target: French Elections and Multiculturalism - Like This Article

February 15, 2017 - Fort Russ - 
Ruslan Ostashko, Live Journal - translated by J. Arnoldski - 

We’re often told that Russia has no world famous high-tech brand. It's said that we only have the Kalashnikov, which is not so high-tech, the Russian ballet, which is even less high-tech, and vodka, which can only be called high-tech with difficulty. Here, of course, we could argue and recall Russian high-tech weapons, Russian nuclear technology, or at least the one famous Russian anti-virus company. But it must be admitted that all of these things are known rather by specialists, not the ordinary inhabitants of our planet. It would be helpful if our country was associated with something high-tech that literally everyone knows, like Apple or Facebook for example. 

But, alas, there actually is something we’re famous for.

The Russian Hackers brand is taking over the planet, and Western journalists are talking about the incredible feats of Russian keyboard magicians literally every day instilling cognitive dissonance in Western citizens. But how is it that a country with a “torn to shreds” economy where there is only snow, bears, vodka, and the balalaika has yielded such a formidable force that can easily turn the US and EU’s cyber-defense structures into pumpkins? No answer is offered, but it doesn’t matter. After all, European media have new cause for hysteria: Russian hackers are hacking the French elections.

French presidential candidate and ex-Rothschild banker Macron’s advisors who predict a landslide victory for him in the elections have announced that Russian hackers have launched hundreds of attacks on the websites and cyber systems of the candidate’s electoral headquarters. The media stand in awe of the fact that for now the Russian hackers have not succeeded, but they know for sure that behind all of these attacks stand Russian state structures that will stop at nothing. The main message to Frenchmen is that democracy is in danger, and that it must be urgently saved from Russia.

But here immediately arises a question. What is so terrible that is stored on the servers of Macron’s headquarters that his supporters are so afraid of being exposed? Drafts of his speeches? Nonsense. Internal social analyses? Unlikely. But if there really is some kind of serious dirt on Macron and his movement, then his supporters really do have cause for concern.

In addition to Russian hackers, the French elections are also being "hacked" by Russian PR workers, who could also soon become an international brand. Macron’s adviser Richard Ferrand has stated that RT and Sputnik are spreading “fake news” intended to change the results of the elections. Mainstream French media are writing that the Kremlin will spare no efforts or resources in preventing the white and fluffy independent candidate Macron from coming to power. French journalists have even exposed the terrifying plan of Russian PR efforts that have catapulted dirt on this Rothschild banker into the infosphere. It turns out that they are behind the rumor that Macron is gay, which he has stubbornly denied. 

But the question is: does this behavior by the progressive French politician cover up latent homophobia and lack of tolerance? After all, according to politically correct standards, he should be proud to join the ranks of sexually progressive politicians. 

But in all seriousness, the greatest danger for the French establishment is not Russian hackers, but the mass riots, car-burning, window-breaking that is happening right now in France as ordinary citizens in some cities are simply too afraid to go outside. Eleven districts of Paris are now subject to outbreaks of violence which the police can’t handle.

I am absolutely sure that European media, if they need to, will see the Kremlin’s hand in these atrocious migrant and refugee riots. They might even find some poor Bedouin who will tell the camera that he is a colonel of the KGB who was ordered to smash windows in order to lower the rating of the multicultural candidate. It very well might be that French TV will show an investigative film in which some kind of Masha Gessen will declare that she has accurate information on Putin’s personal order to organize mass riots in Paris. Perhaps even Russian hackers will be dragged into this. I don’t know how, but nothing can hold back Western propaganda. I also know that if the riots continue and if there will be victims, then no media or political spin doctors will be able to help Macron. 

Then, unfortunately, Marine Le Pen’s victory will be blamed on Russia, and new sanctions might be imposed on us. But we’re used to this.

We will be to blame for the fact that Europe is gradually returning to itself and rejecting imposed multiculturalism and the dictates of supranational elites. Well, even if the mass riots don’t held French voters make the right decision, then the only people they’ll have to blame is not Russian hackers, but themselves. 

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Russian Hackers Strike Again! Target: French Elections and Multiculturalism - Like This Article

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