Donbass "humanitarian offensive" will pay off in the long run - expert - Like This Article

April 17, 2017 - Fort Russ - 
PolitNavigator - translated by J. Arnoldski - 

According to Russian political analyst Oleg Bondarenko, Ukrainian media underestimate the Humanitarian Program for Reunifying the People of Donbass announced by the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics’ which de-fact aids residents of the entire South-East of Ukraine. In so doing, Donetsk and Lugansk have gone on an ideological offensive and seized the initiative from Petro Poroshenko. 

“This program includes the provision of free medical care, including cancer treatment, cardiac surgery, endoprosthetics, and obstetric aid, a full cycle of free education, including the possibility of transferring from any Ukrainian university, and payments for veterans of the Great Patriotic War. This program’s operations apply first and foremost to residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions controlled by Ukraine. However, it de facto applies to all citizens of Ukraine regardless of their place of residence. There have already been inquiries from the Odessa, Kharkov, and Dnepropetrovsk regions which were considered positive,” Bondarenko explained.

The expert forecasted: “At such a pace, the authorities of the self-proclaimed republics risk getting a wave of requests for help, first and foremost medical care, from the residents of at least all of South-East Ukraine where, as is known, there has de facto long since been no free medicine. Considerable funds (for example, one peacemaker costs 60,000 rubles plus) have been allocated for the program, but from a political point of view they can be considered long-term investments which will undoubtedly pay off.”

“All of this suggests that the authorities of the DPR and LPR have more effectively ridden the wave of ‘united Donbass’ than Ukraine, and they now intend to build Donbass’ subjectivity. Of course, it would be difficult to imagine this process without Moscow’s help, but with his recent decision to recognize the passports of the unrecognized republics, President Vladimir Putin de-facto gave it the green light. Where and how it will stop is a good question,” Bondarenko said. 

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Donbass "humanitarian offensive" will pay off in the long run - expert - Like This Article

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