Macron may be a puppet President - Putin [Video] - Like This Article

May 31, 2017 - Fort Russ News - 

In April, RT and Sputnik reporters were banned from Emmanuel Macron’s electoral campaign headquarters during the showdown against Marine Le Pen. The irony about Macron’s decision making (or the following of orders, as it may be) is that he has never produced a shred of evidence to support his claim that RT and Sputnik are “fake news”. These organisations employ real reporters with real media credentials, yet still could not pass French face control during the presidential election. 

In March, US Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Senator Richard Burr is quoted as saying that “by everybody’s judgement, the Russian are actively involved in the French elections.” The scaremongering surrounding Russian interference in European elections as well as the allegations of Moscow’s meddling in the US 2016 election, have increased the level of scrutiny placed on Russian media. So much so that an unknown party is able decide, on behalf of the public, which media is ‘democratic’ and which is not. 

In this compilation, RT Editor in Chief Margarita Semonyan rips into Macron’s unsubstantiated allegations, pointing out the yes-men in his team that are due in court against RT. Russia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Sergey Lavrov, similarly states that no evidence around Russia’s alleged evil-doing, “in almost every Western country” has ever been presented. President Putin, at the May 30th press conference in Versailles, noted not only the foolishness of allegations that are continually pulled out of thin air, but alluded to the fact that France does not always make its own decisions.

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Macron may be a puppet President - Putin [Video] - Like This Article

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