Deep State seeks to cause division between Russia and Trump Administration - Like This Article

July 23, 2017 - Fort Russ News - 
Izvestia - translated by Inessa Sinchougova 

A group of Republican and Democrat negotiators in the United States have agreed on a new comprehensive package of sanctions against Russia, for allegedly interfering in the elections. President Trump, according to the Associated Press, may try to veto the bill, but this will inevitably lead to a loss of trust in President Trump by party members. The vote on the bill is scheduled for July 25th.

Additionally, the document deliberately links sanctions against Russia and those of Iran together in order to make it difficult for Trump to cancel them. Reuters has reported that the European Union has already voiced its concern over the bill, saying that it considers it to be unilateral actions of Washington and that the envisaged restrictions can lead to large-scale consequences for all. Moreover, a wide range of American conglomerates, including oil, energy, banking, aerospace, auto and heavy manufacturing enterprises have jointly started a lobbying campaign against this new round of anti-Russian sanctions.

In response, the Russian President’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has stated, that “there are two parallel processes taking place in the US today - on the one hand, the legislative branch has fully approved the expansion of the sanctions against the Russian Federation, but on the other hand, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's statements continually allude to the desire of the US to restore relations with Moscow.”

This discrepancy confirms the absence of a single consolidated position in relation to Russia in the US government. It should be noted that the new set of sanctions will restrict the President's right to cancel them without the permission of the Congress, and will significantly increase pressure on key areas of Russian industry and the financial sector. Even American experts have warned that Moscow’s reactionary measures could be quite substantial.

The Kremlin has confirmed that it will proceed on the principle of reciprocity in preparing a response to the expansion of anti-Russian sanctions by the US.

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Deep State seeks to cause division between Russia and Trump Administration - Like This Article

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