Young Ukrainian caught swimming the Danube to find work in Romania - Like This Article

September 15, 2017 - Fort Russ News -

Novorosinform, translated by Tom Winter -
The Romanian border guards have detained a Ukrainian citizen who swam the Danube to find work in the Balkans.

The 29-year-old resident of Ukraine was detained on Thursday in the Podul Roshu Siryas district, located in Tulcea county in eastern Romania. The man was arrested when he walked along the river bank.

"The young man said that he crossed the Danube with his clothes in a plastic bag and intended to find work in Romania," the coast guard of Romania said.

The detainee was transferred to the Ukrainian authorities to conduct a criminal investigation into the case of illegal crossing of the state border.

Ukrainian guest workers have long become a byword in Europe. Poland is the hardest hit. Fearing the influx of guest workers, Poland has changed the rules for employing Ukrainian citizens. Now an employer who intends to hire a foreigner must write an application and pay a fee (PLN 30) for his registration.

Earlier, the Polish ambassador to Ukraine Jan Peklo cited data on the number of Ukrainian "workmigrants" in Poland. Despite the statement of the Polish ambassador about not fearing mass flows of Ukrainian illegals to Poland, it is characteristic that Poland has already begun to work out a new migration policy, fearing an influx of labor migrants from Ukraine.
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Young Ukrainian caught swimming the Danube to find work in Romania - Like This Article

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