One Step Closer to Liberation: "Pro-Russian" Presidents win in Bulgaria and Moldova - Like This Article

November 14, 2016 - 
By Eduard Popov for Fort Russ - translated by J. Arnoldski -

On November 13th, the second round of presidential elections in two Eastern European countries, Bulgaria and Moldova, were held simultaneously. Victory in both cases was claimed by pro-Russian candidates, or at least candidates declaring the necessity of closer ties with Russia. The epithet “pro-Russian” was assigned to them by the Russian and EU press. 

Allow me to clarify that neither Dodon nor Radev are necessarily pro-Russian politicians. they are trying to be pro-Moldovan and pro-Bulgarian politicians. Objectively, however, the interests of the majority of the Moldovan and Bulgarian people lie in strengthening ties with Russia, which both countries’ masochistic, corrupt, puppet elites have persistently tried to destroy. 

The leader of the Party of Socialists of Moldova, Igor Dodon, has been elected the country’s president by winning 52.18% of the vote. Observers from the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly recognized the second round of elections to have been conducted in accordance with the Constitution and electoral law. 

Official statements by EU representatives have yet to follow. But the election news on Euronews was announced in the following way: “Moldova: Pro-Russian candidate wins presidential elections.” This gives the impression that the EU has accepted the defeat of its henchmen. Dodon’s rival, a representative of the ruling liberal establishment, Maia Sandu, criticized authorities (her very own liberals!) for poorly organizing the elections. In turn, Dodon urged Sandu’s supporters to admit defeat and not organize riots. However, to this day not a single defeat of the liberals in Moldova has gone without protests. Dodon, in addition, represents those forces standing in opposition to Romanianizing the country. These forces represent the majority of Moldovan society, while a minority in the ruling elite of this post-Soviet country is lost in its search for identity. 

I would call today’s situation in Moldova strange and somewhat frightening given the silence. I hope to be wrong in this impression, but too much effort was (and not only by Moldovan unionists, i.e., those supporting the country’s takeover by Romania) to allow pro-Russian forces to simply win. It is no coincidence that for the entire summer the country was feverish over military exercises involving NATO and Romania in particular. Meanwhile, Dodon has said that his first official foreign visit will be to Moscow.

An even more significant victory was claimed by the pro-Russian presidential candidate in Bulgaria, Rumen Radev. According to exit poll statistics, he won around 58% of the vote. His rival, a representative of the ruling party “Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria” (scandalously known as GERB), Tsetska Tsacheva, received around 35% of the vote.

As pro-Russian Bulgarians have emphasized, Bulgaria is the only countries in the world outside of the Commonwealth of Independent States where there exists the National Movement of Russophiles of Bulgaria. The movement officially consists of 35,000 members from 224 Bulgarian communities. Every year since 2003, at the beginning of September, the movement holds a many-thousands-strong meeting of Russophiles near the city of Kazanlyk. The movement also publishes the free newspaper Duma with a circulation of over 20,000 copies. I am proud to say that I participated in several events organized by the Bulgarian Russophile Movement which featured representatives from different parties ranging from the nationalist ATAKA party to leftists from the Socialist Party.

The massive preparatory work of Bulgarian patriots and growing dissatisfaction with the anti-Bulgarian policies of the Borisov government were not in vain. The West’s henchman candidate was crushingly defeated in the presidential elections. And this has at least made the work of liberating Bulgaria a bit less difficult. But the country is still not a free country and is still faced with escaping the new “yoke.” 

Some Russian media and experts were quick to label the election results part of a common European trend. Aleksey Pushkov, the famous TV host and head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, wrote that the people are getting rid of liberal illusions. I partially agree and partially challenge this statement. The people, in my opinion, long ago recognized the destructiveness of liberal (anti-Russian, anti-Moldovan, anti-Bulgarian) ideas, but the surprise is that they were for some reason allowed to choose. Meanwhile, in Montenegro, the people have been forced to choose in favor of NATO, the organization that bombed their country not too long ago. Liberalism, the epitome of which is the European Union, is the rule of the liberal minority. Therefore, we should expect a retaliatory move or moves from Brussels, which will not simply give up its previously occupied territories without a fight.

Therefore, I congratulate our Bulgarian and Moldovan friends with their great victory and hope that they prepare for even tougher battles. The author of these lines belongs to those forces in Russia who are ready and will be glad to help their like-minded comrades in these and other countries. 

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One Step Closer to Liberation: "Pro-Russian" Presidents win in Bulgaria and Moldova - Like This Article

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