FAKE NEWS: Even when CNN covers the Ukrainian-caused carnage, they lie [+Video] - Like This Article

February 2, 2017 - Fort Russ News -
- An op-ed by the editorial staff -

This is the widow of a man who has just been killed by shelling in the city center of Donetsk. While she vents her grief, CNN puts this trailer on the screen! 

Back in January 2015, CNN carried news of bombardment in the Donetsk city center. The video is compelling, and emotive. 

"Families destroyed in the blink of an eye." 

And yet, they had to deny that the US-backed government in Kiev was doing it. While the widow is wanting revenge for the killing of her husband, CNN makes itself complicit in the war crime by cleaning the hands of the Kiev putschist government. 

Where were the shells coming from? CNN pretended not to know. Plain and simple truth: CNN was already lying about the war in Ukraine in January of 2015. Now, two years later, the lie is by omission. No coverage at all.

What an outrageous injustice, and these are not just isolated instances of the formerly mainstream media - now just 'legacy media' - making 'fake news' stories. 

We can see in the CNN clip above, what appears at first to be some fairly decent reporting of the horrors of war. This is a war of ethno-religious cleansing, genocide by any working definition, brought to the ethnic Russians living in the east of Ukraine, by none other than former President Barack Hussein Obama and his neo-con cabinet. 

What strikes us instantly though is their caption.. 'Unclear ...'. Everyone being shelled knows exactly who is shelling them. 

The report concludes by attempting to deceive, posing a false contradiction meant to leave viewers to 'sort it out for themselves - even though Russia is helping those being shelled, they were the ones who backed separatists who seized the city. 

Hearing that, obviously, one is led to conclude an utter absurdity, that the shelling and the seizing of the city are one and the same, and the 'contradiction/hypocrisy' here is that Russian backed separatists were the ones who are, today, shelling the city. Those familiar with the conflict, and where it stands today, would instantly understand that CNN is inferring that the separatists are shelling themselves and their own base of support, the citizen base that supports the revolution.

That CNN is now actively promoting the censorship and ostracizing of independent journalism is simultaneously no surprise, and an affront to whatever dignity humanity in the west still holds onto. 

Fort Russ, recently named by the Washington Post, in the 'Prop or Not' short list of 'fake news sites', is proud to be a remaining bastion of free and independent journalism, committed to sharing counter-narratives, the inconvenient truths, and voices of resistance and hope from around the world. 

We believe that only an ever vigilant people, who maintain their right to free press by exercising it, can act as a check, [and ultimately a guillotine!] against the genocidal inclinations of the elites in charge of western governments and institutions. 

Like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria - Eastern Ukraine has been in the cross-hairs of the US. What the US has committed are war crimes and crimes against humanity. 

What has become apparent, and this is something we are optimistic about, is that increasing numbers of people are awakening to the fact that - 'bat-boy lives' tabloids aside - it's the legacy media outlets like CNN, NBC, ABC, (and so and so on) which are the world's largest and most criminal offenders in the realm of Fake News. 

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FAKE NEWS: Even when CNN covers the Ukrainian-caused carnage, they lie [+Video] - Like This Article

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