Shocking imagery of inhumane conditions of Ukrainian military - Like This Article

Feburary 24, 2017 - Fort Russ News - 
RusVesna -  by James Harmon

Enlisted soldier of the Ukrainian military, Yuri, told of conditions in which soldiers of the 53rd Brigade in the Dnipropetrovsk region are forced to live, barely above that of animals.

"You really must excuse me for my... 'French'...", but "it is a bitter [expletive] taste in our mouths".

The military of the 53rd Mechanized Brigade, 2-3 days ago, drove to the landfill in the village of Cherkasy Dnieper area for combat coordination before entering the zone of combat to prepare for attack formation and offensive maneuvers.

They stay in tents full of water, impossible to sleep in the damp, as machines pump the water continually to the outside and do not turn off. The soldiers are now forced to endure this inhumanity, then sent to the front line as cannon fodder, after being forced to live as animals.

Yuri continued: "I have no words. Each year, the same! These [expletive] call every year at this time to take volunteers. After all, every year when they are at the site, the same problem: 'flooded tents', all landfill management is aware of this and every year for all it is the same. These volunteers carry equipment to the landfill every year and solve the same problem, and the leadership of the landfill does nothing. Everyone does [expletive]."

They knew well that this is a result of snow melting and again the problem comes, and yet no one has taken action. Will any of the military leaders take any action or will they continue to let their soldiers live in squalid and inhumane conditions befitting farm animals?

It is no shocking surprise that the "March for national dignity" is taking place in Kiev when soldiers are forced to endure conditions that even dogs are not subjected to.

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Shocking imagery of inhumane conditions of Ukrainian military - Like This Article

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