Syrian Army Annihilates 91 Terrorists in the Ranks of ISIS and Al Nusra - Like This Article

February 21st, 2017 - Fort Russ News -
- Thawra Online - - Translated by Samer Hussein -

Units of the Syrian Army killed and wounded scores of terrorists all over the country.

In Daraa province, more than 74 terrorists of Al Nusra Front were left dead or wounded, during the operations in the province's southern countryside. Weapons and equipment, belonging to the terrorists, were also destroyed.
A military source told SANA that army units carried out intensive operation against Al Nusra terrorists in Yadodeh and Tel Shehab in the countryside of Daraa, killing 24 terrorists and injuring 50 others. According to the source, the operations have led to " destruction of four centers for terrorists and five heavy machine guns." Army units also destroyed the terrorists of Al Nusra Front who tried to sneak into the buildings in Manshiyeh quarter of Daraa city. For the past 2 days, the Army has been involved in intense fight with the terrorists, which resulted in hundreds of deaths among the terrorists. In Mansheya, the army repelled all attacks by terrorists. The terrorist group Al Nusra has already admitted its losses on its social media pages.

In the countryside of Quneitra province, the army units delivered intense strikes on gatherings of Al Nusra terrorists
 in the villages of Alrohiniyeh, Mushayrifah and Oum Batinah.
Along with the scores of terrorists that were left dead or wounded, caches of arms and ammunition were also destroyed.
It is believed that some of the takfiri terrorist groups, linked to Al Nusra and operating in the countryside of Quneitra, could be receiving logistical support from Israel.

Heavy fighting was also reported in Deir Ez Zour province. According to the military source, the Syrian Air Force killed 17 ISIS terrorists and destroyed three of their vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns. Intensified strikes on ISIS gatherings in the vicinity of the city of Deir al-Zour were also made.
According to the SANA correspondent in Deir al-Zour, the Syrian Army artillery pounded the ISIS positions in Albgalah, the village in the western countryside of Deir Ez Zour which resulted in "the great loses for ISIS in terms of both, equipment and the terrorists."
In the southern part of the city of Deir Ez Zour, Syrian Army and its allies also managed to destroy the smuggling routes of ISIS.
In the meantime, the Syrian an Russian Air Force are continuing to drop emergency aid to the needy residents, living in certain parts of Deir Ez Zour province that are besieged by ISIS.

In Idleb province, Syrian Air Force killed 20 terrorists of the "Jund Al Aqsa" terrorist group, 
while conducting a series of air strikes in the countryside of Idleb. The airstrikes also resulted in destruction of the gatherings and headquarters, belonging to Jund Al Aqsa. SANA correspondent in Hama said the air strikes resulted in the "killing of 20 terrorists from the organization "Jund Al Aqsa" and the destruction of several headquarters of in the villages of Kafr Ain and Mdaya", located in the very south of Idleb province.

"Jund al-Aqsa" is a terrorist group that is mostly active in rural Hama and Idlib. It also includes hudreds of foreign mercenaries in its ranks and was formerly known as the “Jerusalem Brigades”. The group is said to have been formed by Qatari terrorist Abu Abdul Aziz al Qatari.

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Syrian Army Annihilates 91 Terrorists in the Ranks of ISIS and Al Nusra - Like This Article

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