Joaquin Flores to RT: US threats resound with St. Petersburg terror attack - Like This Article

April 3, 2017 - Fort Russ News - 
By J. Arnoldski - 

Russia remains on high alert following today's bomb blasts in the St. Petersburg metro. While Russian media and officials have been weary of coming forth with conclusions as to the nature of the attack, President Putin has said that all causes are under consideration, first and foremost terrorism. According to Fort Russ Editor-in-Chief Joaquin Flores live on RT, there can be no doubt that this was a terrorist attack.

In Flores' opinion, the location of the attack resembles the style and aims of "religiously-oriented, millenarian type groups who are trying to inflict as many casualties as possible" and "harass or embarrass government security forces." One of the aims of such types of attacks is to make a government appear helpless or repressible overreactive. 

"Nevertheless," Flores told RT, "Russian security agencies were able to coordinate their efforts and were able to prevent what was perhaps a series of other attacks which could have been far worse."

When asked who could be behind this, Flores explained that "this sort of blind attack against the public would tend to lead us to look at this as a matter of religiously-motivated terrorism." But just what kind of religious terrorism would be interested in targeting Russia? "Given the fact that Russia is at war with ISIS, this would be connected to Salafism, perhaps of the Wahhabi type" Flores deduced. 

Flores drew attention to the larger context: "I would ask us to look at the end of September, when the then US foreign ministry spokesperson, John Kirby, made what amounted to the threat that Russians would be going home in body bags and that there would be terrorist attacks on Russian cities." 

"Russia will feel pain" - US

Thus, the St. Petersburg attack cannot be examined apart from US support for terrorist groups and threats against Russian citizens. 

Many experts surveyed on RT today suggested that the St. Petersburg bombing is the result of a lack of cooperation between Russian and Western security and intelligence services. In Flores' opinion, however, closer Russia-NATO or Russia-US intelligence cooperation would only lead to more disasters. 

Flores explained: "Those security agencies dedicated to preventing attacks would be showing their hands to those security agencies involved in promoting and planning them...that leads us to a very difficult conundrum. Why would a country share information with such a country as the United States?...The US is directly financing this type of Wahhabi terrorism internationally." 

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Joaquin Flores to RT: US threats resound with St. Petersburg terror attack - Like This Article

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