Kurds Turning Into American Janissaries as Turkey Becomes a Vassal Ottoman State - Like This Article

April 3nd, 2017 - Fort Russ News -
- Breakingnews.sy - - written by Ali Makhlouf - - translated by Samer Hussein -

After the Syrian army liberated the city of Aleppo last year and the eyeballs of the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan nearly fell out (due to the fact that the road to rebuilding the new Ottoman Caliphate was now permanently closed), the Turkish president himself quickly rushed to sign a new “janissary decree" and became focused on Jarablous, Al Bab and Dabiq as an act of “compensation” to his devoted followers and fans.

Even liberating Raqqa from ISIS was among the things scheduled, before eventually opting out from Syria later in March, not only due to the increased number of the Syrian Army victories, but more particularly due to an increasing support of Washington to the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces that are very active in the area.

While the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (YPG) may be considered as a threat to the Turkish national security, this is not the case with Washington, which is, disappointed, by the failure of the “moderate” Syrian opposition, seeing a new light at the end of the Syrian tunnel in the Kurdish forces, while also making them a preferable choice to the Arab militias that are ridden with religious extremism. In other words, Washington considers the Syrian Kurdish Forces to be secular and more nationalist-driven, unlike the Arab ones that are being dominated by the Salafi and Wahhabi elements.

Turkey is currently in a rather difficult position. If it allies itself with Moscow, it will have to change its policy towards Syria and reapproach the Syrian government. This could alienate Turkey from the US/NATO forces, that, despite the incidents, surrounding the failed anti-Erdogan coup last year, still consider the government in Ankara as an important Atlanticist ally. Making such move would also hamper the Turkish relations with the Gulf states. Doing the opposite, however, could put Turkey at risk of being hit by the pawns of the Russian bear and feel the sharpness of its claws.

Truth to be told, the American support for the Kurds as such is rather temporary and marginal, as it would be simply illogical for Washington to favor separatist groups that could pose a threat to the sovereignty and security to one of the fellow NATO memberstates. Washington sees Turkey as an important player of the regional chessboard that could still bring a lot of influence to Syria and the surrounding states in favour of Washington. As such, Washington would simply not risk to lose Turkey as its key strategic ally and an independent state and dump it in favour of some Kurdish separatist organizations. The risk is therefore far too great and the benefit way too small. 

The US had to support the Kurdish forces in order to maintain its presence in Syria after years of failed efforts. Not supporting the Kurdish forces in Manbeej would only alienate US from Syria. At the same time, the US has to be careful, not to provoke Russia. Although the two will not go to war at this point, things could nevertheless get complicated, should the US start flirting with Turkey in regards to the Raqqa offensive. This would not only come at the expense of the US-backed Kurdish Syrian groups, but would also provoke Russia which is trying to reconcile with Turkey. 

It shall therefore not come as a surprise why the US has decided to support the Kurdish forces and promised them the realization of its federalization plan for Syria in return for their support in the anti-ISIS offensive in Raqqa. For now, the US is using the Kurdish forces against ISIS, however, it is possible that as soon as the clashes with ISIS end, the US will start using the Kurdish separatists against the Syrian forces and will help them to divide Syria and escalate the Kurdish-Arab conflict. This is, however, highly unlikely to happen due to the Turkish opposition to such moves.

Regarding the counter-ISIS operations in Raqqa, Ankara has already stated it will not participate in the operations, should Washington decide to rely on Kurdish separatists. In order to get out of the current dilemma, the best thing for Ankara would be to continue with its policy of reconciliation with Russia, while, at the same time, join the anti-ISIS operations in Raqqa, led by US, but set the terms on US support for the Kurdish separatist groups in Syria.

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