Bilderberg Group to discuss Trump and Russia's role in world affairs - Like This Article

June 1, 2017 - Fort Russ News - 
By RusVesna-  translated by Inessa Sinchougova 

The official website of the Bilderberg Group has unveiled the annual program for its closed conference, which will take place from 1 to 4 June in Chantilly in the US state of Virginia.

The main item on the agenda is “Trump’s Administration” - in addition, it is expected that the participants will discuss the transatlantic relationship, NATO, EU development, globalization, the "war on information", the role of Russia in the world, the Middle East and China.

The list of participants this year include the head of the International Monetary Fund, NATO Secretary General, King of the Netherlands, former CIA officials Brennan and Petraeus, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, China’s Ambassador to the United States, representatives of the largest Western banks, corporations and the media.

From the administration of US President; the National Security Advisor, Trade Minister and Donald Trump's assistant on strategic initiatives. According to The Guardian, the meeting will be held at the Westfields Marriott, surrounded by plantations to protect the participants of the meeting from prying eyes.

Bilderberg is a closed informal forum in the annual conferences involving more than a hundred people - mostly prominent politicians, diplomats, businessmen and heads of the mass media. By tradition, the meeting is held behind closed doors, the media is not invited.

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Bilderberg Group to discuss Trump and Russia's role in world affairs - Like This Article

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