Russian Weaponry Tempts Lebanon - Like This Article

August 24th, 2017 - Fort Russ News -
- - - translated by Samer Hussein -

The Lebanese Defense Minister Yacoub Sarraf arrived in Moscow on Wednesday evening, with the purpose of beginning an active military cooperation between the countries, amid the Lebanese war on terror. 

“The victories achieved by the Lebanese Army against terrorism prove its ability and potential. These victories are not only the victories for Lebanon, but for the region as a whole. The region in general has lived through a long period of Russian absence. Today, the situation is gradually changing. In light of the current situation, there is no solution for the Middle East without the consensus of all parties and the presence of all major forces in a struggle against the common threat”, Sarraf was heard saying. 

He then pointed out that his country's military cooperation with the United States and the West does not prevent it from strengthening cooperation with Russia, noting that Lebanon needs more arms and equipment in order to be able to fight against terrorism more effectively, hoping that Russia will be able to provide assistance with its arms and equipment. 

The minister also expressed his admiration for the military technologies and equipment, presented in the scope of the annual ARMY expo, currently held in Russia, noting that he was impressed by the advanced technical level of Russian drones, indicating that he will likely ask Moscow to provide them for the needs of the Lebanese Army. 

In another context, Sarraf stressed that there is no rivalry between the Lebanese Army and Hezbollah as regards the fight against terrorism, adding that most of the areas liberated by Hezbollah in Jaroud Arsal are now in control of the Lebanese Army. 

The Lebanese Minister of Defense praised the victory in the battle of Arsal, while pointing to diversity of weapons from the East and the West, stressing that the battle is far from over.

Regarding the refugee camps in Lebanon, Al Sarraf stressed that his government does not consider the camps in the border areas to be the focal points of terrorism, though he did say there are some infiltration points that could threaten the security of Lebanon, noting that the Lebanese security forces will deal with any possible threats, posed by extremist groups, in cooperation with inhabitants of the camps in order to assure stability there.

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