The Revolution devours its parents - Ukropian Nazis turn on Poroshenko - Like This Article

October 29 , 2017 - Fort Russ News - 

KIEV, Ukraine. Veterans of the "anti-terrorist operation" gathered in Kiev today before the Verkhovna Rada, announcing the beginning of the blockade of the business of the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.

Deputy Yegor Sobolev, stated -"The lads made a sensible decision that no one will suffer, no one will be attacked. But next to the logistics center of Roshen chocolate factory, a team of veterans of war for independence are already encamped. They will block the pathway for trucks, which enrich the President" Sobolev said.

Other groups will urge citizens not to buy the sweets, as "all this money goes to enrich the President at a time when we need a Supreme Commander-in-Chief."

Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Semen Semenchenko, and ex-fighter of the Right Sector battalion "Donbass", called on all citizens of Ukraine to self-organize.

"We are starting to form our units in Ukraine. We must force the President to remember why he was elected, "said Semenchenko.

Poroshenko failed to react to the ultimatum of the militants announced last weekend. They demanded that the President introduce laws on impeachment and corruption courts during the working week. The militants threatened Poroshenko with the "fate of Ceausescu". 

Ceaușescu was tried before a court in 1989 by Romania's provisional government. He faced charges including illegal gathering of wealth and genocide. Ceaușescu repeatedly denied the court's authority to try him, and asserted he was still legally president of Romania. At the end of the quick trial, Ceaușescu was found guilty and sentenced to death.

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