Ljungman, IMF rep for Ukraine: "Corruption costs 2% of the GDP every year" - Like This Article

November 3, 2017 - Fort Russ News -

Newfrontfrance, translated by Tom Winter -
Gœsta Ljungman
According to IMF estimates, the corruption that continues to plague Ukraine is reflected each year in a loss of 2% of GDP. Ukraine isn't doing much to fight against galloping corruption, * which costs the country 2 % of its GDP every year, said the permanent representative of the International Monetary Fund in Ukraine, Goesta Ljungman.

"In all evaluations concerning corruption, Ukraine is behind the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (...). According to our estimates, corruption costs Ukraine nearly 2% of its GDP each year," the official said.

The statements come after the arrest on Tuesday (October 31) of Alexander Avakov, son of Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, by agents of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU).

The young man is accused of corruption in a case dating from 2014 - 2015.  The Interior Ministry had issued a call for tenders to provide the National Guard with tactical backpacks. The contract was then won by a company controlled by a relative of the Avakov family.

As part of this case, three people suspected of embezzling $ 500,000 were arrested.
Ukranews has a direct quote: "В Україні не ведеться істотна боротьба з корупцією. Корупція обходиться Україні в 2% економічного зростання, отже, боротьба з нею - це питання економічного процвітання", - сказав Люнгман.
"In Ukraine, there is no genuine fight against corruption. Corruption costs Ukraine 2% of its economic growth, so the fight against it is an issue of economic prosperity," said Ljungman.
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Ljungman, IMF rep for Ukraine: "Corruption costs 2% of the GDP every year" - Like This Article

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