November 7th, 2017 - Fort Russ News -
- Agencies - - by Samer Hussein -
SANA’A, Yemen. The Sana’a-based Yemeni Resistance movement (a coalition consisiing of the Houthi rebels and forces loyal to the ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh) has revealed its brand new type of underwater missile.
Nicknamed Al Manbab and designed by Houthi engineers, the torpedo missile is reportedly capable of destroying enemy ships from relatively long distances.
The missile will be deployed to combat Saudi warships that are spotted traveling through the Red Sea area.
Recently, Saudi Arabia has blocked all Yemeni land, sea and air ports.
In response, the Yemeni Resistance forces promised to use the Al Manbab torpedo missile pretty soon, likely against Saudi warships located near the strategic port city of Hudaydah.
Previously, the Houthi rebels also established an elite branch of their special forces units, and which are specialized in sea warfare, meaning that Yemeni Resistance will likely conquer the Red Sea soon.
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