, translated by Tom Winter -
From October 2016: Russian airstrike/ground based hoax -- and more to come. |
An officer of the Syrian special service Mukhabarat has reported to our Russian Spring correspondent:
By monitoring the channels of communication of high-ranking members of the gangs, intelligence officers managed to intercept information about a series of bloody provocations in progress.
"After the recent missile strike by the US, the bandits have been thinking that they could provoke the Trump administration into taking further similar actions," the military official said.
"In the near future, ambushes of the UN humanitarian convoys delivering humanitarian aid to the residents of Khel and Tell-Gehab settlements (Deraa province) by special teams of the Syrian Free Army are in the works," the source told Russian Spring.
"At the same time, it is planned to pass off the attacks on UN convoys as artillery or air strikes of the Armed Forces of the Syrian Arab Republic, by means of fragments gathered up with the markings preserved, as well as bits of aircraft bombs and missiles used by the Syrian Air Force.
The most likely places to shoot convoys will be the sections of the routes Ramat-Khel and Er-Ramta-Tell-Gehab, located in areas reachable by artillery ofthe government troops located in the city of Deraa" said the Mukhabarat officer.
He added that there is also a variant of the convoy ambush plan, to be blamed on a special-purpose group of the Armed Forces of the Syrian Arab Republic.
"This way the organizers of the provocation are counting on causing new missile and air strikes of the so-called "international coalition" against targets of the Syrian government troops located in the province of Deraa. In addition, the declaration of a "casus belli" (formal occasion for declaration of war) by foreign patrons of the "Syrian Free Army" is not excluded," the scout summed up.
Translator comment:
Again and again, incident after incident, those who favor war refuse to ask the ancient question: Cui bono? Who benefits? Who has something to gain by this?
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from Fort Russ
Syrian intel intercepts jihadist plots: 1. Commit war crime. 2. Frame government. 3. Wait for new US missiles . . . - Like This Article
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