Bizarre US Bill seeks to control Russian port - Like This Article

May 5th, 2017 - Fort Russ News - 
By Eduard Popov - translated by Inessa Sinchougova 

The Russian Senate has reacted to the statement of the US Congress to impose a 'sanctions regime' on the ports of Russia. The bill passed today by the House of Representatives of the US Congress, which seeks to tighten sanctions against North Korea. In the text of the document, it states that Washington would control the work of Russian ports in Primorye Territory. 

The Americans refer to the decision of the Security Council of the United Nations, which restricts supplies to North Korea; weapons, ammunition and nuclear technology.

The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Konstantin Kosachev, said that the implementation of the US bill on the control of Russian ports in the Far East provide for a force scenario - it could also be tantamount to a "declaration of war". 

The bill provides for the compulsory inspection of ships, which will be carried out by the American military. If the Americans intend to consistently implement the function - to ensure compliance with the decision of the UN Security Council, they must extend the sanctions regime to China, which also borders North Korea.

This is unlikely: neither the Russians, nor the Chinese will allow Americans to inspect their ships. It is also clear that the decision of the US Congress is aimed at restoring this country as a "world policeman".

It is possible that a repetition of North Korean embarrassment will occur - when US warships off the coast of North Korea ended the standoff unexpectedly, with peaceful statements of US authorities the readiness to resolve the conflict with Pyongyang through negotiations. In the world it was perceived as a manifestation of weakness. 

The US has twice lost face: first acting as the initiators of a potential nuclear war (the threat of missile strikes on the territory of North Korea), then in the role of 'panic-er' (unexpected retreat of US warships from the zone of conflict). The US involvement in the war with North Korea is fraught with huge risks for themselves and the US allies. But to affect the interests and the dignity of Russia and China is for the US, is next to suicide.

Russia has already shown in Syria that it is not going to yield to the US. In North Korea, the US is trying to act on behalf of the UN Security Council (previously, not too concerned about the observance of international law). But the same Russia and China has the right to demand the creation of an international mission for implementation of sanctions and in no case should there be a monopoly of this mission, in the hands of Americans. Therefore, we can expect some form of folding of this diplomatic conflict, including in the US Senate.

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Bizarre US Bill seeks to control Russian port - Like This Article

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