Land of the free: Russian taken off Delta airlines for "invading Crimea" - Like This Article

July 27, 2017 - Fort Russ News - 
DNR News - translated by Inessa Sinchougova

A Russian citizen, Andrei Yeremin was removed from a US flight due to the "occupation" of the Crimea; he has said that he intends to defend his rights in court. 

Earlier, Yeremin wrote on his social network that on Tuesday, he was going to fly from Seattle to Atlanta on flight 1588 of Delta airlines. However, a neighboring passenger refused to sit next to him, explaining that he was uncomfortable to be near the Russian citizen and the "occupier of Crimea". After this, he was removed from the air craft and had to fly later on another flight.

"I'll sue for insulting me, they offered me a hundred dollars of compensation, I do not forgive it." - Eremin said on the air of the TV channel "Russia-24". 

"The airline did not explain anything, they said that they have a passenger, an American citizen, uncomfortable having to fly next to a Russian citizen, a Crimean invader."

How many Americans could Russian airlines bump off for being complicit to the slaughter of innocent children world-wide, just wondering.

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Land of the free: Russian taken off Delta airlines for "invading Crimea" - Like This Article

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