20,000 people evacuated in wave of phoned-in bomb threats - Like This Article

September 13, 2017 - Fort Russ News -

nrt 24tv, translated by Tom Winter -

In the Emergency Services they report the evacuation of 20,000 people from shopping centers, train stations and universities in Moscow.

"After reports of explosion threats, evacuation was carried out at more than 30 sites. In total, more than 20 thousand people were evacuated," the emergency services said.

Earlier in the media they reported on the evacuation of the Kiev, Kazan, Leningrad, Yaroslavl stations, MGIMO, Russian Economic University (RGU), the G.V. Plekhanov Museum, and the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

The wave affected 22 cities in 14 regions. Because of anonymous calls, evacuation took place in shopping centers, schools and campuses of universities in 14 Russian regions. During the inspection, no bombs were found. In Russia, they began talking about a planned special operation and hinted at the Ukrainian traces.

We have collected all the information known at the moment.

Geography of false calls

Siberia: Schools, stations, and also buildings of city and regional administrations were evacuated on Wednesday in five cities. Bomb threat calls came in the mayor's office of Tomsk, Ulan-Ude, Kemerovo and Chita. The building of the administration of the Trans-Baikal Territory was also evacuated. In Irkutsk, telephone terrorists called the city court building.

Chita: tere were evacuations from several shopping centers, as well as the buildings of the station and the airport. In Irkutsk, bomb threat calls were sent mainly to schools, in Tomsk they had to evacuate the technical school and three shopping centers.

Yesterday morning Telegram-channel Mash reported that unknown persons announced bombs in the schools and gymnasiums of Perm, as well as a railway station, a shopping center and administration of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. It was noted that in the previous day similar cases were recorded in Ufa.

September 13, a wave of false bomb threats reached Moscow - unknown persons told emergency services about the threat of an explosion at the Kiev and Kazan railway stations of the capital, as well as in three shopping centers: Metropolis, City and Afimall City.

The technology of telephone terrorists

In all cases, those who received calls inform that in all cases a mechanical male voice was speaking.

According to Russian media, a list of phones on which it was necessary to report bombs was distributed on the Internet. Calls were made from different countries, most often using computer telephony.

"The act of intimidation itself was carried out in the best traditions of the Denial of Service attacks. With such an attack on the Internet, the site is filled with requests, and because of the huge amount of data processing it gets hung up." In the same way, the unknown person(s) decided to try to overload Russia's law enforcement system," said a law enforcement source to Konsomolskaya Pravda.

Who is suspected of attacking

There are no firm theories yet from the Russian law enforcement agencies. In the FSB of Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory, they only assumed that the purpose of deliberately false calls is the intimidation of the population. They radvised "to remain calm and not to panic."

According to Interfax, a source in the law enforcement bodies of the Chelyabinsk region, which also carried out a mass evacuation of sites, it is a question of spam mailing, a similar incident affected a number of cities. According to him, "there is reason to believe that all this is organized from abroad."

The FSB in Saratov noted that the situation is similar to 2011, when mass reports of explosive devices in the administrative buildings of some Russian cities were also reported.

At the same time, Russian media reported, citing anonymous sources, that some "Cyber-warriors of Ukraine" were engaged in the mass telephone terror.

"Such an action occurred for the first time, and according to preliminary data it was organized by the so-called" Cyberwarriors of Ukraine " the source told Konsomolskaya Pravda.

The famous prankster Lexus (Alexai Stolyanov) insist on the Ukrainian track. "I am 100% sure that this is Ukraine. Ukraine uses IP-telephony in order to not be able to figure out the caller." Secondly, there are very cold relations between the countries now, and it is unlikely that law enforcement agencies will exchange information," said the prankster in media comments.

Causes of telephone attacks

The expert on competitive intelligence Andrei Masalovich believes that the current attacks are a warm-up for 2018, when presidential elections are to be held in Russia.

"They will check all the places where small forces can achieve maximum destabilization: airports, stations ... There are a lot of places where local chaos can be caused," Masalovich said in an interview with Moscow Komsomolets.

According to the expert, such attacks will only intensify in the pre-election year, and even more so in 2018.
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